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The Model: H4.8 - 3000W use Streamlined three-bladed glass fiber reinforced blades which have the advantages of great intensity, fatigue resistance and high efficiency. The Hummer-patented generator characterizes its high efficiency and good low-speed-performance. The speed regulating system adjusts automatically to wind speed. Controlling, inverting and discharging are integrated. It incorporates a new electronics based technology that results in increased performance, improved battery charging capability, greater reliability and the reduction of buzzing noise from the machine. Unlike many of our competitors, the controller includes a diversion load to ensure quiet safe operation of your wind turbine when the batteries are charged. It's designed to provide quiet, clean electricity in very low winds. This makes Model:H4.8 - 3000W ideal for residential homes and small businesses.

Maintenance-free, easy installation, and high output make Model: H4.8 - 3000W ideal for virtually any remote battery charging application. Installations range from China to Europe.

The Model: H4.8 - 3000W is designed for even the novice. The Model: H4.8 - 3000W can be installed in just a few hours with no welding, no concrete or cranes. Our engineers designed the work out of installing wind turbines. Now wind is as easy to use.

Combining wind and solar in hybrid systems are quickly becoming the standard in renewable energy field. This is due to seasonal fluctuations of both wind and solar energy resources that make it an ideal combination.

Our generator has the features of extreme small structure, low wind start, low rated wind speed, quick output in low wind, wide wind speed ranges, reliable speed restriction, and stable quiet running, Etc.

Hummer windpower Model H4.8 - 3000W Genertor weighs only 45kg.

Small in size.,low energy consumption, low noisy, low rated wind speed(10m/s,22.4mph for 3000W)

Swift Start-up: Hummer Small-sized ,With wind speed at 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
Swift rotating, 1.5 to 3 times faster than other types of generators
Swift Charging

Strong in structure,blades adopt end joint and can fly stably.
Safe protection for overcharging, overdischarging, short circuit, overloading, over heating, etc.


The H4.8—3000W is an ideal product for the person that needs power for basic appliances such as TV, radio and lights.

Common applications for the H4.8 - 3000W

Remote Homes and Huts

Utility Connected Homes


The Developing World

Monitoring Stations

Water Pumping

To order this product, please see our dealer locator.

Main technical date:

1.Rotor blade diameter:4.8m
2.Numbers of blade : 3
3.Start up wind speed : 3.0m/s,6.7mph
4.Rated wind speed : 10.0m/s,22.4mph
5.Rated output power : 3000W
6.Maxim output4500W
7.Output Voltage:AC 220V DC 140V , 280V
8.Pole Height:10m
9.Generator Weight:70kg
10.Pole Diameter:273mm
11.Temperature of working surrounding:45

from:wind turbine


cking alien turbulences with Venus Express

New images and data from ESA¡¯s mission to Venus provide new insights into the turbulent and noxious atmosphere of Earth¡¯s sister planet. What causes violent winds and turbulences? Is the surface topography playing a role in the complex global dynamics of the atmosphere? Venus Express is on the case.

Venus¡¯ atmosphere represents a true puzzle for scientists. Winds are so powerful and fast that they circumnavigate the planet in only four Earth days - the atmospheric ¡¯super-rotation¡¯ - while the planet itself is very slow in comparison, taking 243 Earth days to perform one full rotation around its axis.

At the poles things get really complicated with huge double-eyed vortices providing a truly dramatic view. In addition, a layer of dense clouds covers the whole planet as a thick curtain, preventing observers using conventional optical means from seeing what lies beneath.

Venus Express is on the contrary capable of looking through the atmosphere at different depths, by probing it at different infrared wavelengths. The Ultraviolet, Visible and Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board is continuing its systematic investigation of Venus¡¯ atmospheric layers to solve the riddle of the causes for such turbulent and stormy atmosphere.wind generators

The images presented with this article focus on Venusian atmospheric turbulences and cloud features, whose shape and size vary with planetary latitudes. At the equator, clouds are irregular and assume a peculiar ¡¯bubble¡¯-shape. At mid latitudes they are more regular and streaky, running almost parallel to the direction of the super rotation with speed reaching more than 400 kilometres per hour. Going higher up in latitude, in the polar region, the clouds end up in entering a vortex shape.

With its multi-wavelength eyes, VIRTIS can observe the atmosphere and the cloud layers not only at different depths, but also both in the day- and night-side of the planet - a characteristic that allows an overall assessment of the ¡¯environmental¡¯ causes that can be at the origin of such an atmospheric complexity.wind generator

At the equator, the extremely violent winds of the super-rotation are in constant ¡¯battle¡¯ with other kinds of local turbulences, or ¡¯regional¡¯ winds, creating very complex cloud structures.

One type of regional wind is due to the strong flux of radiation from the Sun reaching the atmosphere of the planet on the day-side. This flux heats up the atmosphere creating convective cells, where masses of warm air move upwards and generate local turbulence and winds.

On the night-side there is obviously no flux from the Sun, but the clouds¡¯ shape and the wind dynamics are somehow similar to that we see on the day-side. So, scientists are currently trying to understand if there is any mechanism other than ¡¯convection¡¯ responsible for the equatorial turbulences, both on the day- and night-side of Venus.

For instance, VIRTIS imaged clouds over Alpha Regio, an area close to the equator. This area is characterised by a series of troughs, ridges, and faults that are oriented in many directions, with surface features that can be up to 4 kilometres high. There might be a connection between the surface topography and the local atmospheric turbulence which is observed in this area. This and other hypotheses are being investigated by the Venus Express science teams using data from several instruments.wind generator,casting,plate bending machine,hisuppliers

Actually, the Venusian topography may play an important role also in the global atmospheric dynamics. Understanding this surface-atmosphere connection is one of the major objectives of Venus Express-something to be verified in the whole course of the mission.







Exploding star within a star - a recurrent nova!

amateur astronomers reported that a faint star in the constellation of Ophiuchus had suddenly become clearly visible in the night sky without the aid of a telescope. Speaking today (Friday) at the RAS National Astronomy Meeting at Leicester, Professor Mike Bode of Liverpool John Moores University and Dr Tim O¡¯Brien of Jodrell Bank Observatory will present the latest results which are shedding new light on what happens when stars explode.

Records show that this so-called recurrent nova, RS Ophiuchi (RS Oph), has previously reached this level of brightness five times in the last 108 years, most recently in 1985. The latest explosion has been observed in unprecedented detail by an armada of space and ground-based telescopes.

RS Oph is just over 5,000 light years away from Earth. It consists of a white dwarf star (the super-dense core of a star, about the size of the Earth, which has reached the end of its main hydrogen-burning phase of evolution and shed its outer layers) in close orbit with a much larger red giant star.

The two stars are so close together that hydrogen-rich gas from the outer layers of the red giant is continuously pulled onto the dwarf by its high gravity. After around 20 years, enough gas has been accreted that a runaway thermonuclear explosion occurs on the white dwarf¡¯s surface. In less than a day, its energy output increases to over 100,000 times that of the Sun, and the accreted gas (several times the mass of the Earth) is ejected into space at speeds of several thousand km per second.

Five explosions such as this per century can only be explained if the white dwarf is near the maximum mass it could have without collapsing to become an even denser neutron star.

What is also very unusual in RS Oph is that the red giant is losing enormous amounts of gas in a wind that envelops the whole system. As a result, the explosion on the white dwarf occurs ¡¯inside¡¯ its companion¡¯s extended atmosphere and the ejected gas then slams into it at very high speed.

Within hours of notification of the latest outburst of RS Oph being relayed to the international astronomical community, telescopes both on the ground and in space swung into action. Among these is NASA¡¯s Swift satellite which, as its name suggests, can be used to react rapidly to things that change in the sky. Included in its armoury of instruments is an X-ray Telescope (XRT), designed and built by the University of Leicester.

"We realised from the few X-ray measurements taken late in the 1985 outburst that this was an important part of the spectrum in which to observe RS Oph as soon as possible," said Professor Mike Bode of Liverpool John Moores University, who led the observing campaign for the 1985 outburst and now heads the Swift follow-up team on the current explosion.

"The expectation was that shocks would be set up both in the ejected material and in the red giant¡¯s wind, with temperatures initially of up to around 100 million degrees Celsius-nearly 10 times that in the core of the Sun. We have not been disappointed!"

The first observations by Swift, only three days after the outburst began, revealed a very bright X-ray source. Over the initial few weeks, it became even brighter and then began to fade, with the spectrum suggesting that the gas was cooling down, although still at a temperature of tens of millions of degrees. This was exactly what was expected as the shock pushed into the red giant¡¯s wind and slowed down. Then something remarkable and unexpected happened to the X-ray emission.

"About a month after the outburst, the X-ray brightness of RS Oph increased very dramatically," explained Dr. Julian Osborne of the University of Leicester. "This was presumably because the hot white dwarf, which is still burning nuclear fuel, then became visible through the red giant¡¯s wind.

"This new X-ray flux was extremely variable, and we were able to see pulsations which repeat every 35 seconds or so. Although it is very early days, and data are still being taken, one possibility for the variability is that this is due to instability in the nuclear burning rate on the white dwarf."

Observatories Swing into Action

Meanwhile, observatories working at other wavelengths changed their programmes to observe the event. Dr. Tim O¡¯Brien of Jodrell Bank Observatory, who did his PhD thesis work on the 1985 explosion, and Dr. Stewart Eyres of the University of Central Lancashire, lead the team that is securing the most detailed radio observations to date of such an event.

"In 1985, we were not able to begin observing RS Oph until nearly three weeks after the outburst, and then with facilities that were far less capable than those available to us today," said Dr. O¡¯Brien.

"Both the radio and X-ray observations from the last outburst gave us tantalising glimpses of what was happening as the outburst evolved. In addition, this time, we have developed very much more advanced computer models. The combination of the two now will undoubtedly lead to a greater understanding of the circumstances and consequences of the explosion.

"In 2006, our first observations with the UK¡¯s MERLIN system were made only four days after the outburst and showed the radio emission to be much brighter than expected," added Dr. Eyres. "Since then it has brightened, faded, then brightened again. With radio telescopes in Europe, North America and Asia now monitoring the event very closely, this is our best chance yet of understanding what is truly going on."

Optical observations are also being obtained by many observatories around the globe, including the robotic Liverpool Telescope on La Palma. Observations are also being conducted at the longer wavelengths of the infrared part of the spectrum.

"For the first time we are able to see the effects of the explosion and its aftermath at infrared wavelengths from space, with NASA¡¯s Spitzer Space Telescope," said Professor Nye Evans of Keele University, who heads the infrared follow-up team.

"Meanwhile, the observations we have already obtained from the ground, from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawai¡¯i, already far surpass the data we had during the 1985 eruption.

"The shocked red giant wind and the material ejected in the explosion give rise to emission not only at X-ray, optical and radio wavelengths, but also in the infrared, via coronal lines (so-called because they are prominent in the Sun¡¯s very hot corona). These will be crucial in determining the abundances of the elements in the material ejected in the explosion and in confirming the temperature of the hot gas."

26 February 2006 was a highlight of the observational campaign. In what must surely be a unique event, four space satellites, plus radio observatories around the globe, observed RS Oph on the same day.Web Marketings ,Chinese Transaltion Sevice, 网站建设

"This star could not have exploded at a better time for international ground and space based studies of an event which has been changing every time we look at it," said Professor Sumner Starrfield of Arizona State University, who heads the U.S. side of the collaboration. "We are all very excited and exchanging many emails every day trying to understand what is happening on that day and then predict the behaviour on the next."

What is apparent is that RS Oph is behaving like a "Type II" supernova remnant. Type II supernovae represent the catastrophic death of a star at least 8 times the mass of the Sun. They also eject very high velocity material which interacts with their surroundings. However, the full evolution of a supernova remnant takes tens of thousands of years. In RS Oph, this evolution is literally occurring before our eyes, around 100,000 times faster.Die Casting ,Water filter , Ball Valves ,uto Bearings ,Automotive Bearings

"In the 2006 outburst of RS Oph, we have a unique opportunity of understanding much more fully such things as runaway thermonuclear explosions and the end-points of the evolution of stars," said Professor Bode


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