1. 汽车越重越费油
2. 不同驱动方式的利弊
根据动力传动方式,汽车可分为"四轮驱动","发动机前置、后桥驱动","发动机前置、前桥驱动","发动机后置、后桥驱动"四种: 四轮驱动方式主要用在一些越野车上,优点使前后轮都有驱动力,牵引力大,通过性强,附着力大,稳定性好,车身和传动系统的钢板比轿车厚、 安全系数高,适于越野。但缺点是重量大,节油性差。 发动机前置、后桥驱动方式主要用在一些中、高级轿车上,优点是前后桥承载的负荷基本一样,动力性强,牵引力大,在爬坡、泥泞道路和颠簸路上行驶时,动力性、防后轮侧滑和稳定性明显优越于"前置前驱动"的汽车。但其缺点是传动轴退至后桥,导致地板凸起,几个总成分开布置,占据空间较大,很难使汽车小型化。 发动机前置、前桥驱动方式主要用在中小型汽车上,优点是省了传动轴,地板平坦,传动系紧凑,重量减轻,地板降低,重心下降。但其缺点是上坡时重量向后移,前桥负荷减轻,不能产生足够的牵引力,在较滑的路面上因前桥重量不够而产生不了足够的牵引力;下坡时前桥负荷过重,特别是在下坡刹车时前桥负荷会进一步加重。这种车型不宜在上下坡较多的山区使用。 发动机后置、后桥驱动方式主要用在微型车上,优点是省了传动轴,附着力大,牵引力也大,轴距较小,地板下没有排气管,发动机废气、噪音不会污染车厢内。但其缺点是后桥负荷大,转弯易侧滑,操纵系统太长,结构复杂,冷却系统复杂,行李箱太小。
3. 自动档汽车省事不省钱
5. 选用铝台金轮圈的汽车
(1). 质量轻,省油;
(2). 散热性能好,增加轮胎寿命;
(3). 真圆度高,可以提高车轮运动精度,适合高速行驶;
(4). 弹性好,提高车辆行驶中的平顺性,更易于吸收运动中的振动和噪音;
(5). 可100%回收,属环保产品。
6. 买零公里汽车
8. 买国产车还是进口车
进口车从质量上看要明显优于国产车,但从综合利弊方面来分析,除了前面的性能价格比之外,在日后的修理费用及配件供应方面,进口车并不占任何优势。国产车修配网点较多,且收费相对便宜。而进口车辆一旦出现故障或事故,修理起来就相对麻烦,一是进口车的性能、构造变化较快,一些修理人员技术不全面,难以提供高质量的服务,同时进口配件不但价格昂贵,而且还存在许多假冒产品。 因此,不论从经济性还是实用便捷方面考虑,都应尽量选择国产名牌车。 车型选择常识
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北京时间1月19日消息,据国外媒体报道,中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)日前发布的数字显示,中国网民数量已经增长至2.1亿人,并且中国有望在今年超过美国而成为全球网民最多的国家。美国互联网调查机构“皮尤网络和美国生活项目”(Pew Internet and American Life Project),对中美两国使用互联网情况进行了比较,称中国互联网普及还落后美国15年。
CNNIC日前发布的研究报告称,中国网民数量与一年前的1.37亿人比增长了53%。新华社的报道也称中国现在的网民数量只比美国少500万人,这个数字与美国人的研究数字基本相同。尽管如此,皮尤称中国的网民普及率仍然落后于美国。按照新华社的报道,中国的网民普及率为16%,而美国在上个世纪90年代网民普及率就已经达到这个比例。皮尤还称,现在75%的美国成年人是网民,如果包括青少年,这个比例还会更高。皮尤副主任约翰-霍里根(John Horrigan)说:“就互联网普及曲线而言,中国和美国是两个极其不同的国家。中国大约落后美国15年。”
CNNIC日前发布的研究报告称,中国网民数量与一年前的1.37亿人比增长了53%。新华社的报道也称中国现在的网民数量只比美国少500万人,这个数字与美国人的研究数字基本相同。尽管如此,皮尤称中国的网民普及率仍然落后于美国。按照新华社的报道,中国的网民普及率为16%,而美国在上个世纪90年代网民普及率就已经达到这个比例。皮尤还称,现在75%的美国成年人是网民,如果包括青少年,这个比例还会更高。皮尤副主任约翰-霍里根(John Horrigan)说:“就互联网普及曲线而言,中国和美国是两个极其不同的国家。中国大约落后美国15年。”
The Model: H6.4-5000W use Streamlined three-bladed glass fiber reinforced blades which have the advantages of great intensity, fatigue resistance and high efficiency. The Hummer-patented generator characterizes its high efficiency and good low-speed-performance. The speed regulating system adjusts automatically to wind speed. Controlling, inverting and discharging are integrated. It incorporates a new electronics based technology that results in increased performance, improved battery charging capability, greater reliability and the reduction of buzzing noise from the machine. Unlike many of our competitors, the controller includes a diversion load to ensure quiet safe operation of your wind turbine when the batteries are charged. It’s designed to provide quiet, clean electricity in very low winds. This makes Model:H6.4-5000W ideal for residential homes and small businesses.
Maintenance-free, easy installation, and high output make Model: H6.4-5000W ideal for virtually any remote battery charging application. Installations range from China to Europe.
The Model: H6.4-5000W is designed for even the novice. The Model: H6.4-5000W can be installed in just a few hours with no welding, no concrete or cranes. Our engineers designed the work out of installing wind turbines. Now wind is as easy to use.
Combining wind and solar in hybrid systems are quickly becoming the standard in renewable energy field. This is due to seasonal fluctuations of both wind and solar energy resources that make it an ideal combination.
Our generator has the features of extreme small wind turbine,wind genreaotr structure, low wind start, low rated wind speed, quick output in low wind, wide wind speed ranges, reliable speed restriction, and stable quiet running, Etc.
Hummer windpower Model H6.4-5000W Genertor weighs only 100kg (including blades, hub and nose cone).
small in size.,low energy consumption, low noisy, low rated wind speed(10m/s,22.4mph for 5000W)
Swift Start-up: Hummer Small-sized ,With wind speed at 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
Swift rotating, 1.5 to 3 times faster than other types of generators
Swift Charging
Strong in structure,blades adopt end joint and can fly stably.
Safe protection for overcharging, overdischarging, short circuit, overloading, over heating, etc.
The H6.4-5000W is an ideal product for the person that needs power for basic appliances such as TV, radio and lights.
Common applications for the H6.4-5000W
Remote Homes and Huts
Utility Connected Homes
The Developing World
Monitoring Stations
Water Pumping
To order this product, please see our dealer locator.
Main technical date :
1.Rotor blade diameter : 6.4m
2.Numbers of blade : 3
3.Start up wind speed : 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
4.Rated wind speed : 10.0m/s,22.4mph
5.Rated output power : 5000W
6.Maxim output 7500W
7.Output Voltage : AC 220V DC 240V-280V
8.Pole height : 12m
9.Generator Weight:100kg
10.Pole diameter:273mm
11.Temperature of working surrounding : 45
Maintenance-free, easy installation, and high output make Model: H6.4-5000W ideal for virtually any remote battery charging application. Installations range from China to Europe.
The Model: H6.4-5000W is designed for even the novice. The Model: H6.4-5000W can be installed in just a few hours with no welding, no concrete or cranes. Our engineers designed the work out of installing wind turbines. Now wind is as easy to use.
Combining wind and solar in hybrid systems are quickly becoming the standard in renewable energy field. This is due to seasonal fluctuations of both wind and solar energy resources that make it an ideal combination.
Our generator has the features of extreme small wind turbine,wind genreaotr structure, low wind start, low rated wind speed, quick output in low wind, wide wind speed ranges, reliable speed restriction, and stable quiet running, Etc.
Hummer windpower Model H6.4-5000W Genertor weighs only 100kg (including blades, hub and nose cone).
small in size.,low energy consumption, low noisy, low rated wind speed(10m/s,22.4mph for 5000W)
Swift Start-up: Hummer Small-sized ,With wind speed at 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
Swift rotating, 1.5 to 3 times faster than other types of generators
Swift Charging
Strong in structure,blades adopt end joint and can fly stably.
Safe protection for overcharging, overdischarging, short circuit, overloading, over heating, etc.
The H6.4-5000W is an ideal product for the person that needs power for basic appliances such as TV, radio and lights.
Common applications for the H6.4-5000W
Remote Homes and Huts
Utility Connected Homes
The Developing World
Monitoring Stations
Water Pumping
To order this product, please see our dealer locator.
Main technical date :
1.Rotor blade diameter : 6.4m
2.Numbers of blade : 3
3.Start up wind speed : 3.0m/s, 6.7mph
4.Rated wind speed : 10.0m/s,22.4mph
5.Rated output power : 5000W
6.Maxim output 7500W
7.Output Voltage : AC 220V DC 240V-280V
8.Pole height : 12m
9.Generator Weight:100kg
10.Pole diameter:273mm
11.Temperature of working surrounding : 45
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